Thanks to my recently bulky mass, I have been experiencing a new dimension to my running, the one which requires me to be in perpetual struggle throughout a race. To be honest though, this is nothing new. As a recap, I dragged my out of shape ass through 26km of hell in the Malakoff 26k(what else) Run, then followed up by getting myself kicked over 10k by an 800m runner who's more renowned for his speed than his stamina in the Tanjung 10k, which in turn was only a warm-up for the Penang Bridge Run (25K category) the following week. I had more or less the same outcome for all 3 races. All 3 races ended up with me in the medical tent, and suffering excruciating pain in my feet and lower legs. I seriously was not able to walk properly in the aftermath of those races, for up to a few days time each. The main cause could easily have been my increased mass, since these races were run at my heaviest racing weight.
Anyway, with that wretched sequence outta the way, I figured I should make more of an effort to raise my performance a notch. At least I should be seen trying, right? The scene for this was also quite apt, my alma mater, logical since this race was organised by the school's old boys' association. Last Sunday, was not my first time running in this race, but this year's route of about 10k is entirely new though. The race was fast and furious from the start, and I was barely out the school gates when I started to get passed like it was going outta style. The urge was there to resist, but one look at the hot and soon to get hotter weather made me swallow my pride and just let them go. It's not as if my legs were up for it too since they were screaming at me to stop. So much for moving outta the struggling dimension.
The screaming didn't stop as the race went on, but if there's a relief, it's the sight of a lot of the guys who passed me getting nearer and nearer. True enough the hot and dusty course took its toll. By the time I crossed the finish, I was in 7th place for my category and 8th overall. Still, this race hurt, and I don't mean my legs. For once, my legs were fine, aside from some tightness in my calves. It hurt, because I still ran subpar to my abilities. Of the 7 guys that beat me, I felt I should hv been able to cope with 3. My leisurely start put paid to that though, and it's still a big weakness for me, dating from my earliest days in running. As for some of the guys I did beat, I should have been further ahead. Basically, I am in a no win situation.
Anyway, what's done is done. I can only look forward to my next race, which is this weekend. Redemption-wise, it is good news for it to come so soon. As for my actual shape though, it's bad news, since there is nothing much I can do to better it. To spice things up, it's a road relay, ergo if I suck, I will be causing my whole team to suck. Geez, who said running was simple?