Monday, June 16, 2008

Pride comes before a fall

In my previous post, I joyfully proclaimed about breaking through a barrier in training. When something like that happens, I naturally expect more progress to be forthcoming. But then I fail to take into account that it's me I was talking about, and when something good happens, something else really really sucky will come along to balance it out. The latter couldn't be truer.

Since that fateful run on the treadmill, my optimism has been rewarded with failure upon failure. I don't know whether that run itself took a lot more out of me than I thought, or that it was purely mental, since I didn't really feel worse from my efforts. The fact of the matter is that I couldn't even manage ONE run longer than 20 minutes, a bare minimum to me to be considered an aerobic effort. Paces I can maintain in my sleep for 45 minutes have me labouring already at 15 minutes, and I find myself abandoning runs even before I got done with my warm-up run, instead working on sprints and hill charges. Well, I guess at least my speed won't be declining, some consolation that is.

Oh before I sign off, I just remembered that the track meet mentioned last time around is this weekend, and to compound my training difficulties, I am still scrambling for the forms. Now if anyone doesn't believe in the adage "when it rains, it pours", kindly direct them to me. Of course, I will willingly take the rain though, or even a drizzle, or maybe just a few raindrops, heck anything but the friggin' humid and hot weather...

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