Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hanging Tough, Day 20

Today's run was also partly run under light drizzle. After the past few days, my legs were really feeling it. Imagine the relief I felt when my SMS to Kang on what kinda run we will be doing today was replied with 'EEEZ'. Then imagine my eyes popping and tongue hanging out when I find out halfway through that it was not.

Day 20 (Botanical Gardens)
Run to Youth Park (warm up)
~11k steady (relaxed moderate)
Shoes: Brooks Launch (newer)

The plan today was to run to the Gardens and do 10 small loops. I was going to go really easy, but Kang's pace was a bit faster than I expected. It wasn't really that fast but the accumulated fatigue took its toll. There were a few times when I really wanted to let go and run at my own pace, but there was no one from the group near behind. Getting stuck in no man's land at that point might have led to me cutting short the run. It might sound like a paradox, but to beat fatigue I had to run harder.

1 comment:

francis said...

sometimes it's better to listen to the body and let it rest a little. don't overdo it. It may lead to injuries....