Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rising from the Ashes (ahem), Day 17

After yesterday's shambles, today's 5000m no longer became an afterthought. Mostly I wanted to avoid DNF-ing again, but I was also hoping for an acceptable performance at least. Just before the race, the stakes were heightened again when I found out that Raj, my senior and erstwhile miler, was also going to be making his 5000 debut here. Since it's not his distance and he's not even in form, I must stay ahead of him to avoid being more of a laughing stock than I am already.

Day 17 (Darulaman Stadium)
5 min warm up jog
4 short strides
5000m race 19.47
1000m 3.44
2000m 7.44
3000m 11.44
4000m 15.48
Shoes: Brooks T6

Overall, I can't complain much about it. While the time wasn't a PB, it was my best in 2 years and the weather was hot. My strategy was to try to start fast but remain relaxed and in this sense, I think I executed well. Unfortunately, that still left my dead last for most of the first kilo. However, I started reeling people in soon after. The plan for the subsequent kilos was more of just hanging on and for the next 2, I did just that. When I got to the penultimate kilo however, I could feels my legs start to rebel. The pace slipped a bit and my plan to push the last kilo was a no go. Nevertheless, I managed to slightly up the pace. All in all, it was a decent race. I managed to finish ahead of Raj and I haven't started any intensive intervals yet.

Anyway, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my friend, Jane and family for being excellent hosts for my stay in Alor Star. Without them stuffing me with food, I wouldn't be able to do half as well.

P/S: I actually wrote a much more detailed account of my race, but a lousy Internet and a careless stroke of the 'delete' key put paid to it.

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